Non-Techies Guide To The Web 3.0 Ecosystem

Understand The Web 3.0 Ecosystem & The Blockchain Tech Which Surrounds It!

  • 01
    Show Content
    • Welcome To The Course
    • Course Resource Guide
  • 02
    Your Guide To Web 3.0
    Show Content
    • What Is Web 3.0
    • Characteristics - Web 2.0 VS Web 3.0
    • Transition - Web 2.0 VS Web 3.0
    • Past, Present & Future Of The Web
  • 03
    Tools Of Web 3.0
    Show Content
    • Browsers - Web 3.0
    • Storage - Web 3.0
    • Video & Audio - Web 3.0
    • Operating Systems - Web 3.0
    • Social Networks - Web 3.0
    • Messaging Services - Web 3.0
    • Remote Job Sites - Web 3.0
  • 04
    Development Aspects Of Web 3.0
    Show Content
    • Blockchains & Languages
    • Ethereum Frameworks & Libraries
    • Best Practices
    • Things To Pay Special Attention To
    • The Biggest Limitations & Failures
  • 05
    Show Content
    • Join Web 3.0 Confidently
    • Congratulations